If storytelling is made into an interesting experience and fun-filled activity where the listeners also participate in the telling, guessing, manipulating, it could be a joyous learning experience. A Story Telling session for the Little Champs of Classes I and II was conducted in the Junior Section Amphitheatre, where the speaker Ms Sehrish Christopher spoke about the moral values of life to the children.
Everyone loves to listen to stories. There is hardly anyone among us who has not heard a story during childhood. Stories keep children engaged and let them feel that they are also participating in the process of storytelling. Language learning, and learning for that matter, happens when children are engaged in meaningful activities.
The students actively participated in the session with the storyteller as they were given the opportunity to answer and ask questions. The Principal, Mrs Ainee Shehzad collaborated with the boys in their new learning. All the students who came for the storytelling session thoroughly enjoyed it. HPS always strives to inculcate new strategies to engage students involvement. Thus, for this very reason, we continue to struggle for the best.