Habibian Traditions
HGS Pledge
HGS welcomes students from numerous different backgrounds and abilities. While we ensure that our education is student-centred on all levels, we also understand that our students are unique individuals with their own talents and difficulties. Student support helps ensure our students feel engaged by their education, not overwhelmed.

Our House Colours
Every child is assigned a house at the time of admission
House Colors is a very strong tradition at the HPS. Every child is assigned a house at the time of admission. This fosters a sense of responsibility and ownership in the students. Habibians take as much pride in their own achievements as they do in the achievements of their housemates. Over the years this has created a camaraderie amongst the housemates and a sense of competition between the houses.
Each house has its own student council. Students are awarded house points for sports competitions, co-curricular activities, academics and discipline. House flags are carried by the House flag-bearer followed by the House Commander every morning. Students line up for the morning assembly and parade according to their houses.
At the end of each year the house points are tallied and announced, This is always a day of great excitement and enthusiasm for the entire student body.

HGS Cadet Corps
At HGS, all students, parents, teachers, and administrative staff have the privilege of access to our school counselling programme. The school counsellor is a vital member of the HGS community and helps to promote an environment of academic success. School counsellors play a crucial role in teaching students important academic achievement strategies as well as providing valuable career counselling. They also teach students important skills to promote their mental and emotional wellbeing. The school counselor’s main duty is to provide students with short term support and to make appropriate external referrals in case they perceive long term support is needed. The counsellor may also collaborate with the student’s family or the appropriate school staff to advocate on the child’s behalf if they deem it necessary.

HGS Cadet Corps
At HGS, all students, parents, teachers, and administrative staff have the privilege of access to our school counselling programme. The school counsellor is a vital member of the HGS community and helps to promote an environment of academic success. School counsellors play a crucial role in teaching students important academic achievement strategies as well as providing valuable career counselling. They also teach students important skills to promote their mental and emotional wellbeing. The school counselor’s main duty is to provide students with short term support and to make appropriate external referrals in case they perceive long term support is needed. The counsellor may also collaborate with the student’s family or the appropriate school staff to advocate on the child’s behalf if they deem it necessary.
HGS Brass Band
Students from grade VIII onwards will be provided with regular career counselling sessions. In these sessions, students are guided by their teachers and professional counsellors towards the course of study that would be best for their future career (while always keeping in mind the child’s interests and aptitude).
Part of the school counsellor’s job is to have regular consultations with teachers and staff to proactively pre-empt the emerging needs of their students. The school counsellor is essentially a crucial communication channel between students and staff members, doing their best to support the needs of both parties and promote an environment of academic success at the school.